BorgWarner Wins Technology Transfer Award for Joint Development with the University of Vigo

  • BorgWarner honored for development of digital calculation tool for EGR coolers
  • Award recognizes Best Case of Success of Technology Transfer
  • Demonstrates successful collaboration with the University of Vigo for over 10 years

Auburn Hills, Michigan, March 19, 2018 – BorgWarner received the Best Case of Success of Technology Transfer Award in the Large Corporations category of the third annual Awards of Technology Transfer in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. With the prize, the Xunta de Galicia1 and the Galician Royal Academy of Sciences honored BorgWarner’s calCooler, a digital calculation tool for exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) coolers, developed in collaboration with the University of Vigo.

“We are delighted to receive this important award, which demonstrates the great success of our long-standing partnership with the University of Vigo,” said Julio Carrera, Advanced Senior Product Engineer, BorgWarner Emissions Systems. “This award symbolizes the dedication and entrepreneurial spirit of all BorgWarner employees involved in the development of this practical design tool, which has become a valuable resource for many of our engineers around the world. We look forward to continuing our successful alliance with the University of Vigo,” added Sonia Civeira, Manager, Spain Technical Center, BorgWarner Emissions Systems.

Allowing engineers to select the most appropriate heat transfer technology and to size EGR coolers accurately for each application, calCooler enables BorgWarner to meet customer requirements quickly and optimally. In this way, it has become a vital tool for BorgWarner employees worldwide. Since its development and launch by the R&D department of BorgWarner’s Spain Technical Center in Vigo and the University of Vigo in 2011, calCooler has been improved continuously.

1 Government of the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain

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